Nando's: Representing the voice of the people

white boxes sit on a street

Nando’s is a brand that has spent over 30 years firing up South African conversations with advertising that taps into the social quirks that make the country unique. So, when we noticed that after more than 30 years, spellcheck still highlights “Nando’s” as a mistake, it got us thinking.

  • A spike in sentiment

    Nando’s maintained and spiked positive sentiment around its brand by 23% during the campaign period

  • Making impressions

    The campaign generated 53 million impressions, 91% of which was consumer generated

My Name

Most South Africans don’t have English names like Sarah and John. They have African names like Naledi and Jabulani. Names that carry deep cultural significance. Names that spell checkers underline as mistakes. And so, in February 2018 #rightmyname was launched by M&C Saatchi Abel. A multi-platform campaign that encouraged those affected to add their name to a database. Then, on Human Rights Day, the list was made available to all for download. The list simply updates computer dictionaries, getting rid of spell check discriminatory redline for good.

Removing discrimination

By giving people the means to remove the red line from under their name the campaign didn’t just highlight a problem, it fixed it. It is a campaign that removed a symbol of discrimination for people across South Africa.

A nation fired up

Rooted in social and digital the campaign used print and direct elements to drive awareness in an innovative manner. The campaign achieved over 70 000+ unique names to the database, 53 million impressions (91% consumer generated), R 5.4 mil in PR.

During a racially charged period in the country, Nando’s maintained and spiked positive sentiment around its brand by 23% during the campaign period.