26Health: With Every Letter

A bi-lingual campaign supporting the right for all people to access quality healthcare. 

    At Re, our global brand-led design and experience business, we believe that design is a tool for progress, shining a light on complex issues and creating provocations for change in our culture and society.

    So we launched With Every Letter, a campaign for 26Health, a non-profit organisation breaking barriers for marginalized communities in Florida’s increasingly tough political and social environment. Challenged by economic and legislative restrictions to accessing care, 26Health provides resources including mental wellness and gender identity support, transgender care and adoption services.

    Our bi-lingual campaign uses bold, vibrant imagery that acknowledges 26Health’s pursuit of health equity by representing individual stories through hand-scripted lettering and visual language that showcases the diversity of 26Health’s patients. The design idea captures the importance to 26Health of recognizing people as unique human beings, supporting the right for all people to access quality healthcare. 


    See more work from Re, M&C Saatchi here.