Cisco: Future of Conservation

A diver swimming with a large shark.

Our planet is home to thousands of species of animals, with many now threatened by extinction. From rhinos to sharks, we are losing thousands, if not millions of creatures a year. What many don't realise is their vital importance in our ecosystem to keep a balanced food chain, species diversity and our planet healthy. To help drive recruitment for the company in younger graduates, technology provider, Cisco stepped in to tell the story of how technology is the future of conservation…

  • Save this Rhino

    31 pieces of media coverage with 10,800,971 total reach UK: 47 million media items with 37.9m reach  

  • Save this Shark

    Throughout the 3 month media campaign, the film received over 990+ pieces of media coverage. Over 2 million reached on social media and 5 million reached globally

  • Embedded in Society

    Cisco’s techno-conservation message has crossed the globe and is now part of the Australian school curriculum

The power of technology

To drive recruitment for Cisco and show the power of technology to younger generations, the award-winning team at This. Film Studios teamed up with former cricketers Kevin Peterson and Graeme Smith, outback wrangler, Matt Wright and 3x World Surfing champion Mick Fanning to create a powerful documentary series, titled ‘Save This’, charting the struggles, obstacles, and wins of the men and women determined to fight on the front lines of this conservational war.

A philanthropic success taken to the masses

Cisco’s connected conservation efforts, where they have created new technologies designed to address the unique issues faced by conservationists and the environments in which they work, was a huge technological and philanthropic success. In the first year of operation, the solution reduced poaching by 96% in the pilot reserve. But few knew about it. The documentary series aired on National Geographic showing the journey of both rhinos and sharks, whilst exploring the solutions developed by Cisco. A case of creativity solving solutions and driving change where you wouldn’t expect.

Driving societal change

Working with a brand committed to using their brand to drive positive change, allowed us to produce a successful campaign, sharing the truth about extinction on our planet. So much so that the Save This Shark documentary has also been added to ATOM: Australian Teachers of Media as part of the Australian high school curriculum.